one of the worst films of the 60s
19 June 2005
This is a dreadful mess of a movie. It is intended as a spy spoof (that already usually means the picture will be BAD) and abounds with more misfires than Barney Fife at the shooting range! The movie took the basic comedy team formula of a straight man and an idiot but failed to produce anything worth watching. To start with, Steve Rossi has almost no screen presence--none. A piece of salami would be more interesting than his character. Yet, he is infinitely more likable than Marty Allen's character who is a total cretin. Yes, as the dopey sidekick Allen is supposed to be dopey, but instead he seems almost sub-humanly stupid and unlikable. Compared to him, Jerry Lewis or Lou Costello's sidekicks seemed like Nobel prize winners! To top off this unfunny duo, you have a script that is so unfunny I would have preferred to watch a Matt Helm flick! NOW THAT'S BAD!!

Watch this ONLY if you are a glutton for punishment!

UPDATE--I must rescind part of my original review, as I just finished watching another spy spoof from the 1960s (THE NASTY RABBIT) and it made THE LAST OF THE SECRET AGENTS? look like "Masterpiece Theater"!! So if you're looking for the worst spy film of the 60s, THE NASTY RABBIT is definitely a contender!
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