Review of Darkness

Darkness (2002)
Intelligent Horror
19 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Reading through these comments always tends to amaze me. It seems a lot of film watchers tend to be cynical, overly critical, mindless zombies who must have everything spelled out for them in completely detailed step-by-step descriptions. Then again, maybe I am not so amazed after all...

If you are the kind of person who loves to piece together abstract puzzles, who actually likes to think for themselves, to read between the lines, then you are the kind of person who will enjoy this movie.

A lot of people are complaining that this movie has a bad plot that makes no sense. These are the same people who also believe Kosher Salt has no Cholesterol! The plot is extremely well planned, taking place over the course of a single week. The plot is perfectly sequential, with creepy hints of the sinister underlying plot that is REALLY going on.

Its quite simple to understand whats going on, all you have to do is spend the time to THINK about it. Heres some answers: SPOILERS ************** 1) What was up in the end with the two moms and two sets of kids? Well, obviously, after the gateway to "hell" was opened, demons were set loose on the world. Obviously, the demons lived in the darkness and aren't effective in the light. Demons, in common mythos, are notorious for lying to trick people into doing things they normally wouldn't do. Some of the demons disguised themselves as the trusted figures of the Mom and the Children to trick their prey into turning off the lights.

2) What was up with the boyfriend and the dark tunnel? Again, if the demons were into tricking people in order to make them vulnerable, its obvious that the "boyfriend" who first appeared at the house and picked up Reggie and her brother was really another demon. He tricked Reggie into trusting him then drove them into the dark tunnel. What does this mean? Obviously, Reggie and her cute little brother are now gruesomely dismembered drippy blood splatters on the inside of an old, but reliable, VW beetle! END SPOILERS ************* I could go on and on, but this was meant to be an example of how things would make sense if you simply took the time to think about them.

And about the movie? It was excellent! I loved it. The plot was tight, the acting top-notch, the cinematography beautiful, and the editing artful. It did scare me a bit, but I was mostly intrigued by the story. I cared about the characters and wanted to find out what happened to them.

All thinkers will enjoy, all "averge IQ" people should go watch something else.
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