Nick Fury: Agent of Shield (1998 TV Movie)
how the hell did this get made?
28 May 2005
a truly awful film, from start to finish, no redeeming features at all, i hate myself for having wasted 90 minutes of my life, 90 minutes i will never get back on this unmitigated howler of a film.

i know it was based on a comic book character so is supposed to be tongue in cheek, but they just didn't manage to purvey this on screen. I can take ludicrous plots if i feel that anyone involved actually wants to be there, it just seemed that they were all "mailing in their performance"

The plot, if it can be described as one, involves a deadly death virus about to be unleashed on the world by the offspring of a nazi officer who has been preserved in some gas. They are part of a terrorist cooperative called hydra, and the goodies are part of an international agency called the shield. Baywatch star hasselhoff is the cigar chomping hero.
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