A must see film
2 May 2005
I've been searching for this movie for minutes now. No one seemed to be able to remember the title, but we all remember the animation at the beginning of the film. We loved this movie. I mean, who wouldn't want to hypnotize parents to do chores, duh. I mean hello, giving up smoking is one thing. Turning your parents into full time workers; genius. Thanks for helping us to find the title. This movie comes highly recommended by college students abroad, attached to childhood films. Who doesn't love the mother (Kerns) from "Growing Pains", especially when she works for the children, which she pretty much did on the show. Otherwise, this film is a must see, though now I doubt you can rent it, or therefore purchase it except from ebay. This review is much needed against the recommendations posted by Rich Roesing from Sofia, Bulgaria, who first saw it free on Bulgarian cable.
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