Adam's Apples (2005)
Fabulous story, excellent acting
28 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Inspired by the Book of Job, this movie is set in a rural church with Ivan, the church's vicar, and Adam, a neo-Nazi on social service, as protagonists. In and around this church, Anders Thomas Jensens unleashes an outright war of good and evil in a story full of black humor that leaves the viewer little choice but to laugh tears. Ole Thestrup as the local doctor beats everybody and everything in terms of comic morbidity.

And yet behind all comedy, Adams Æbler discusses much more serious issues. Is not Ivan's naive (in danish the perfect anagram: naiv Ivan) denial of evil more dangerous and irresponsible than Adam's evil, but realistic attitude? While Ivan suggests as Adam's project to bake an apple pie, Adam is set out to break Ivans faith in God. The audience is seriously in doubt as to which project will be accomplished and what comes after that. In the pursuit of both projects, Ivan and Adam change places and take responsibility in very surprising and strange ways. This story is told with perfect timing and moving gravity realised by great actors.

Despite all praise, I have one problem with this movie: I did not get the pun about the "Adam's Apple". Why make this play of words without making use of it in the story? And while I'm at it, the last scene should have been left out. Adam becomes ... well no, I won't spoil it.
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