Ooops...where is the story
3 April 2005
I went to see Babe: Pig in the city with a friend who had loved the original Babe movie. We both came away from this movie disappointed. Recently I watched it again on DVD (because it came with the original Babe movie so I watched both together).

The story involves Babe going to the big city with Mrs Hoggett. There they have a lot of wacky adventures, but Babes heart of gold wins through (you can hear the sound of me gagging on this sickly sweet idea).

The story is an original written by George Miller and not based directly on a Babe book. Here lies the folly. Miller did such classics Mad Max (Road warrior to the Americans), The Year my Voice Broke and Flirting. Great adult movies.

So he though he could create the definitive children's movie, but unfortunately it overloads the audience with far too many characters, is too dark for young children and is just an unending story of bad things happening to Babe and friends. This is about budget overload. So much is done, just because it can be.

There is no story, no universal struggle for good in the face of evil. Just wacky characters....yawn.

In essence it covers the big topics of children's story telling, birth, death as well as modern social issues, community, poverty and so on.

But without a compelling story this movie contains too little to see it through.

Nice try George....I am still waiting for Mad Max, Beyond Hoggetts farm
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