End World Poverty Now ...
23 March 2005
... Because if we do we won't have to suffer anymore COMIC RELIEF DOES FAME ACADEMY

Ah yes FAME ACADEMY a show that cross pollinated BIG BROTHER with POP IDOL which sounds as enjoyable as cross matching the DNA of Joe Stalin with the genes of Adolph Hitler . Neither Robert Harris or Ira Levin could have envisaged such a showbiz monster and for the second red nose day running we've had to endure this monstrosity

I guess the first go at COMIC RELIEF DOES FAME ACADEMY in 2003 had a novelty value as a one off but the second show seems something of a waste of time . In 2003 the BBC were deluding themselves that FAME ACADEMY was a major success in much the same way as Napoleon thought invading Russia was a good idea and since the winners of FAME ACADEMY have disappeared into well deserved obscurity the show will be best remembered as a cross between a laughing stock and a clone of other shows

As I said the first CRDFA was bearable probably because we had the best singer ( Some actor from a hospital drama ) beating the worst singer ( Ruby Wax ) in the final . It didn't take itself too seriously . However the second series saw us subjected to some ridiculous hyperbole as certain Z grade celebs insinuated that appearing on this show would lead to a recording contract ! Bizarre to say the least and the contestants would take the huff if Richard Park and others criticised their singing ! It wasn't criticism the contestants needed it was a reality check

I'll say one good thing about the second series - The final was between a couple of attractive blondes and a bald bloke with glasses so I guess the viewing public do have some taste after all . Hopefully the public will petition world governments to end world poverty before CRDFA comes along in 2007
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