Hilarious musical treat
15 March 2005
In this satirical spin-off of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," Brad and Janet (this time around played by Cliff De Young and Jessica Harper), find themselves as contestants on a reality game show in their perfect suburban hometown/TV station of Denton (which is owned by a fast food corporation!) Brad and Janet are now married, and the game show host (played rather deliciously by Dame Edna) quickly convinces the impressionable Janet that the catatonic and emotionally unavailable Brad isn't living up to her standards. Brad is held captive in the mental hospital (Dentonvale) while Janet is immediately thrust into Denton super stardom. Will their marriage survive? Will THEY survive?

This movie is hilarious, but it slightly misses its target as a satire. De Young is awesome in his dual role as the comatose Brad and the overwhelming Farley, owner of Denton. Jessica Harper's powerhouse vocal performances are key to this movie. The music rocks and the lyrics are witty. My only complaint about casting is that Little Nell has very little screen time. The ending is a bit of a tart--"Shock Treatment" is surprisingly anti-climactic. But as much as this movie is ridiculous and silly, it is even more charming and entertaining. Favorite scene--Janet to Brad (in his cell), after her first guitar-totin sequin-wearin performance as the star of Denton: "I've come to tell you I'm fabulous."

My Rating: 7/10.
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