Review of Virgin

Virgin (2003)
Difficult to watch, but ultimately rewarding
15 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Jessie (Elisabeth Moss, who played "Torch" in Girl, Interrupted) is a teenage girl living in a small-town with a large Born-Again Christian population. She fills her misfit existence with crutches like Jack Daniels, ciggies, and a night newspaper delivery job. She blacks out at a school dance and is raped by the boy she likes. She awakens the next day with no recollection of those events, but feeling she is pregnant, based on a strange dream she had. Knowing that she is a virgin, she believes that it was immaculate conception and she is carrying the child of God. She professes this to her family, and soon the entire town, and they all turn against her.

"Virgin" isn't a straight up horror film, but it sure feels like one in its narrative structure. This is a film that is extremely difficult to watch. Witnessing the tragic events that happen to this young girl is nothing short of excruciating. When thinking about the movie in retrospect, when removed from these acts of hatred and violence, it is easier to see it is quite an excellent film. The acting is outstanding, especially by Moss, who was nominated for the ISA Best Actress. The messages are strong but not heavy-handed. The movie is about an outcast girl who finds herself in crisis after crisis, but finds strength from within (and in her concept of God) to rise above her tormentors. It is very rich in symbolism, and sometimes this works, but sometimes it becomes visually overwhelming. Another problem is that some of the characters motives aren't particularly clear--especially the teenage boys in the film. While it is easy to see that this is Jessie's story, the film would have benefited from suggesting why these boys behave the way they do.

But overall, "Virgin" is an amazing film that is very difficult to watch, but ultimately worthwhile and moving. It is shocking that this was apparently made for around $50,000. If you've seen the trailer, it looks like a poorly shot film on DV. This is misleading, as this is a beautifully shot film. Co-stars Robin Wright Penn and Daphne Rubin-Vega.

My Rating: 7.5/10.
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