A Taste of Honey, A Swallow of Crap
6 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Britains most famous blonde pop singer, Vicky Robbins, collapses on stage after an exhausting 2 minutes of lip-synching her latest insipid hit single. Her doctor orders her to take a holiday and promptly sends her to an island, where a friend of his owns a farm. Vicky arrives in full mod gear, ready for her vacation in Manure World. The Hargroves, the couple who own the farm, aren't exactly enthused about entertaining Vicky; Mrs. Hargrove spends all of her time chain smoking and feeding the dog and Mr. Hargrove is always busy with his bees, when he isn't at the pub. Vicky takes a walk and meets Mr. Manfred, a goggle eyed dork who also keeps bees. Soon, people are being attacked by Deadly Bees, and when Mrs. Hargrove dies, her husband comes under suspicion. Vicky stupidly decides to assist Mr. Manfred in an investigation. But who really controls the Deadly Bees? Do you really give a fat damn?

Here's a hint for horror film directors: if you want to lose your audience as soon as possible, be sure to kill off a small, defenseless, cute and cuddly animal. But, maybe that's just me. The characters in The Deadly Bees are all thoroughly unlikable, even Vicky herself although if you're attracted to whiny blonds with one facial expression, you may appreciate the scene in which Vicky swats at bees in the bathroom while the camera zooms in on her breasts doing the Obligatory Boogie in a tiny white bra. This whole film is so dingy and depressing that it seems to have been soaked in Mrs. Hargrove's cigarette smoke for a month.

Once again, MST3K comes to the rescue and makes this stinkburger somewhat enjoyable. Otherwise, it's not worth anyone's time.
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