Carrie (1976)
It took a chance and danced on a thin line.......
28 December 2004
This movie was a first in a couple of ways. A first for Stephen King and one of the first that showed peer abuse at it's most horrific. Someone mentioned in this thread of comments about "Queen Bee's Wannabee's and Carrie" and I concur, even though I do not trash colleagues and respect them as I wish to be respected, from my own point of view, these books are not what is needed because they do not touch upon the fact that this is a form of abuse as any other form out there and yes, kids as old as 16 have the capacity to differentiate right from wrong and bullying is WRONG. Carrie literally lives a "living hell" with a mom who is a bonafied nut case (or maybe somewhat O/C when it comes to religion)who freaks if Carrie even breathes the wrong way and at school, these adolescent sadists do not know WHEN to stop! You want to scream "LEAVE THIS GIRL ALONE ALREADY" and the abuse keeps on where the chicken blood spews all over Carrie. This movie was made in the mid 70's and the bullying has grown worse. Good movie and better than the remake that hit the tube several years least in this picture, there was a teacher who cared. The norm that bullied kids get is "If you ignore it then it will go away."
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