The Prophecy (1995)
Good Idea But A Little Confusing
21 December 2004
The movie is about a war angels have waged amongst themselves. It turns out there is a bit of jealously about God placing humans in the same esteem as angels. So the angel, Gabriel, decides to lead an army of angels against God.

The story sounds pretty good at this point. Gabriel is played by Christopher Walken and Eric Stoltz plays the angel Simon. Other stars are Virginia Madsen as a schoolteacher and Viggo Mortensen (Lord of the Rings) as Lucifer. All of them play a great part in showing the relationship between angels, man, and god. Where things get a bit confusing is in Gabriel's search for the most evil human soul. Apparently this can act as some weapon against God, ultimately giving Gabriel his vengeance. The story behind the WHY or HOW of all of this really isn't given. The story just plays along showing the humans protecting the soul, which is hidden in the body of a little girl. The soul's location does well to get the audience to sympathize. Yet the whole "possessed bit" in the film feels off and a little weird.

Otherwise, it's not a bad idea for a movie and certainly creative. And a great cast is there to deliver the goods. I just think the director maybe got a little carried away with an already-fine story. 6/10
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