Should be titled Cranky Christmas
5 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie expecting a sort of silly slapstick comedy, a la National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - silly but fun, something to make me laugh after a long hard week of work. But don't believe the trailers - this movie is nothing of the sort. In fact, what I got was something very frightening and disturbing - the moral of this story is "conform or else". What sort of twisted Christmas message is that supposed to be?

**Spoilers below this point**

The Kranks are having that empty nest feeling for the first time this Christmas - so to help themselves out, Mr. Krank decides to take them both on a wonderful 10 day cruise for Christmas instead of doing the regular holiday schtick. Frankly, what woman wouldn't love that? I know I would...

So to save up money for this trip, they forego the traditional cards, presents, tree, etc, and basically just tell folks Merry Christmas and we'll see you next year. You would think they admitted to being Satanists and that God was dead. They are ostracized by neighbors, coworkers, so-called friends. The neighbors all whisper about how 'selfish' they are being. How 'terrible' that they are acting this way. What is this, the Borg Collective? Be assimilated or die? Since when is it not OK in this country to do something different? To act in a different manner? (Can you say Mccarthyism kids, I knew you could...)

There is something fundamentally wrong with the message this movie sends. Why is doing something nice for your wife a bad thing? Since when?? This is just not right. And frankly the fact that a movie like this made it to the theater is downright scary.

Oh and am I the only one who found the Frosty on every single friggin' roof a tad freaky? I felt like I was watching the Stepford neighborhood...just very very weird and bizarre to see that.

Overall - if there was a negative rating I would give it. This is bad on so many levels. Please don't go see this movie. See the Incredibles. National Treasure. Heck there are more laughs in Seed of Chucky. Or better yet, go rent National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Now THATS some good old fashioned fun....
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