Commentary on Hicks-Leary comparison in as objective form as i possibly can muster.
13 November 2004
The only thing I have to say about the comparisons between Bill Hicks and Denis Leary is this- Bill made his special, "Dangerous", in the 1980's. Leary's "No Cure For Cancer" came out in the early 1990's. I'm just saying this because I'm tired of the people who praise him saying "If I'd heard hicks first, blah blah blah." Well, there's your proof of Leary's theft.

Anyway, I happen to like Leary's style. To be honest, I think the guy's talented as hell. But, because of his unfortunate sellout to animated movies and commercials, I cannot keep myself in any state of respect for him. Not to mention his theft of Hicks' style which put him on the map in the first place. I like Leary, but what he's done is unforgivable as far as I'm concerned.

As for this special, it's a decent comedy special with enough political insight for you to get your kicks off on (if you were so intrigued by it). While he manages to get a couple of laughs (Especially with the French material) I myself could not find myself laughing merely because of the fact that was previously stated. Not a bad special, just wish he would have at least admitted to his wrongdoings.
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