intense talent to behold!
4 October 2003
I got the screener in the mail and thanks to word of mouth about the female lead in the movie, sat right down to watch it.

What I've heard is true. This woman has a talent that ranks right up there. I'm actually disappointed that I haven't seen more of her.

The movie itself is set in a scene that we've unfortunately either have gotten too familiar with or have become sanitized against, but thanks to the lead charactes in this movie, we get to look at it from a more personal view: two people in the middle of the war and having to make their way out against the odds.

I found myself watching it in two ways: one as a viewer and reviewer of films and the cast involved, and then as an audience member. Two things stood out from both: the part of Kris Andrews was intense; anyone that has the talent to carry it out during the more violent scenes and then show when she finds a breaking point and takes matters into her own hands to save herself so that the audience is actually cheering her on to do it... well, that's good old fashion talent and, why was Fred Dryer in the movie when we only got to see a few minutes of him? I had hoped for a little more involvement there.

This movie is a straight to video but if all the movies were like this, I doubt I'd want to go to the theatre.

***** out of *****!
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