Review of Whoopi

Whoopi (2003–2004)
Whoopie told the truth
14 July 2004
Too bad there are such narrow minded ignorant people in the world SO BRAINWASHED they believe every lie and can't see the truth when it's in their face BIG BROTHER HAS BEEN WATCHING A LOT LONGER THAN GEORGE ORWELL PREDICTED... Americans keep advertizing for designer clothes and footwear and paying extra to do so... run out and buy all those Disney toys before the movies are even finished ... Big Brother needs the smaller inroads open to get the major work done... BRAINWASHING IS POWERFUL, AND THE CONSUMER CONTINUES TO PROVE IT... The real Nazi party is still alive and running the world... HEIL KISSENGER... Keep running it from behind the scenes whenever your chosen party is in power... Nixon showed you it was safer there... don't let any truths get told, Americans may awaken and notice we are being stripped of our freedoms daily... Sorry that Whoopie got the ax for standing up for freedom... but I knew she would also I keep expecting another McCarthy era to start soon... BIG BROTHER IS ALWAYS WATCHING... For the money and the power... and just to prove how easy fools can be made.
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