Iron Jawed Angels (2004 TV Movie)
Accessible History, Wonderful Cinematography
16 February 2004
I was incredibly impressed with this film and it's ability to make a part of history very few are aware of accessible to the masses. It's an incredibly moving portrayal of the sacrifices these women endured from the lifestyles they chose to lead in the name of their cause to the humiliation they suffered to bring about change. Change I'm sure most women today take for granted. This movie is a wonderfully unique blend of historical dramatization and modern cinematography that had me rivoted. It's amazing the moments in history we think we understand only to be shown the lives expended to truly achieve them. This reveals exactly those true stories.

I noted a review in this area from someone who commented on this film as a "chick flick," clearly showing an ignorance to the story and facts being presented and not realizing how insulting their comments are given the subject matter.
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