Amusing set up, poor pay off
1 April 2003
Peter cooks a nice meal, tidies the house and waits for his girlfriend to come home. Peter wants to break up with her, he begins to tell her that he needs a change but gets interrupted by the phone. Sadly Juliet thinks he is proposing, and tells her friend on the phone. Before he knows where he is, Peter has a house full of friends and family all wishing them the best. How can be break up with her now?

Screened as part of the BBC2 compilation of shorts entitled `Ways to leave your lover' this was the opener and set a very light hearted tone to it. The situation exaggerates out of control as more and more people arrive to hear the good news. This must be building to a big punch line, I thought to myself. Sadly at the end the film goes a little serious as if trying to make a serious point among all this exaggeration. It didn't work for it at this point – I'd rather than seen the build up pay off.

The cast do OK with Tennant in the lead and a few familiar TV faces in there as well from the UK. This is enjoyable enough because it is comic and knowingly exaggerated however it just really needed a strong finish which it lacks. Worth a watch but leaves you feeling a bit short changed.
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