Typical: But Still Does It's Job!!!
21 September 2003
First things first, I had no expectations for this movie whatsoever. I knew it was going to be simply a bloodfest with bunch of dumb teenagers who can't act. That is how slashers are these days. Let's just say I wasn't wrong. Still, I am a sucker for these stupid movies and have to say that I thought it was decent.

Everything seems a little rushed, we get no time whatsoever to get to know any of the characters, they are simply there as fodder for Jason to wield his machette at. It is not but about 3 minutes after the opening credit sequence when the first victim is had. I would say this is a major problem, but slashers fall into their own formula, and the formula allows for little plot and character development. This is probably because the slasher genre only appeals to certain people, and those people, who will be the ones to like this movie, understand why these movies are made (to come up with new and creative ways to kill off dumb, sex-driven teens).

Having said that, if you have never been a fan of Freddy, Jason, or slashers in general, you will not like this at all. Aside from the concept of bringing two of the slasher greats into one film (which they could have had so much more fun with), there is nothing new here. However, if you enjoy slashers, you will not be let down. Freddy and Jason kill altogether about 25 people, and the filmmakers have done some interesting things with the plot (nothing to ovate, but fun nonetheless).

To wrap up, Freddy vs. Jason is not great, but just on the better side of decent. The filmmakers missed out on a lot of opportunities to make this a more interesting film. While I was entertained for the hour and a half I watched this movie, many will ignore this film and put it in the pile of weird sequels of 80's slashers, such as BRIDE OF CHUCKY (also directed by Ronny Yu, the director of FVJ).

I know this isn't the last we have seen of Freddy, Jason, or Chucky(since he was brought up), let's just hope that one of these times the filmmakers will get creative and make a unique film.

For getting the job done, and being an entertaining hour and a half I give Freddy vs. Jason a 6/10
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