Great music, erratic movie.
21 January 2003
This is a movie about the making of a unique piece of music; an album which is already legendary for the wilderness of idiocy it traveled through on its way to release.

To keep this brief, the movie contains great out-takes from the album as well as an interesting picture of how a recording band acts. But also, the film lacks any real organization and it's as if the director assumed the viewer was already aware of the events around "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot," because he focused much more on the story of Jeff Tweedy making music.

But criticism aside, it's a very interesting movie. And I don't know what Alex- 105 meant by Jay "just being fired" because that was one of the most elaborated upon points in the movie. Remember, Alex? The ten minute scene where Jay won't drop the fact that Jeff wasn't specific about a drum loop and Jeff ends up vomiting because of all the stress. I'd say most people saw the firing coming.
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