Highly enjoyable for Wilco fans!
15 August 2002
I really had a great time seeing this. Although I have to admit that I am biased toward Wilco as a big fan. Would've have liked to see more interaction between members of the band. Didn't see enough of Glenn and John. Jay did a good job of making himself look bad. The scene where they are mixing Heavy Metal Drummer is very telling. Leroy seemed to take a little too much pleasure in seeing him leave though. It was kind of sad. Jeff with the reporters is priceless, and the comedian is hysterical...took me a second to realize he wasn't for real in the interview with Jeff. Liked David Fricke's comments.

I did feel like there was a little too much hero worship of the band. I would have liked to have seen more from the record company's point of view. They are definitely demonized, as they probably should be, but I'm sure Jeff's no saint. There's always two sides to a story. I must say I'm glad they didn't compromise as the album is phenomenal, and it is nice to see the little guy beat the big guy occasionally, even if he has to use another big guy who's part of the same label...a little ironic, but legitimate as they are a big guy willing to risk it on the quality they perceive to be there. I don't know how the money breaks down, but if some of it gets back to Warner, they're probably laughing as much as Wilco is. All the bad press about them and the good press about Wilco sells albums, so they don't exactly lose. Still, one would love to see labels choose more quality acts and this stands out as a quality act getting their due.

Very enjoyable to watch even with it's deficits...I recommend for all music lovers.
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