Head of State (2003)
Pretty lame.
25 March 2004
This film falls flat for many reasons. The general premise isn't bad - black man is chosen to run for president by a white establishment that assumes he'll lose - but the execution is poor.

For one thing, Chris Rock isn't a strong enough actor to carry a 90 minute film. His humor is OK in small bits, like when he was playing off Joe Pesci and Mel Gibson in that "Lethal Weapon" film, but out front leading the way, no, he just doesn't cut it. Bernie Mac shows up midway through the film as his brother, and he's funny, but there isn't enough of him to save the movie.

Another thing is the jokes repeat themselves over and over. Robin Givins' bit part was funny the first time, but why repeat it again and again? And white people dancing to hip hop? Oh yeah, that's original.

The pacing is all wrong because of poor direction and editing. The film jolts from one scene to another without any flow.

Better skip this one. If you want a good laugh, catch Bernie Mac in concert.
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