Great Comeback for a Hurting Genre!
26 October 2003
I originally had my doubts for this one. As of late, horror movies have become mediocre gore fests with little suspense. The genre has practically formed a mold for itself. Especially with the release of FREDDY VS. JASON and JEEPERS CREEPERS 2 back in August, and the horribly disappointing COLD CREEK MANOR in Sept, knowing that TCM was next, I wasn't so sure what to expect.

Another fact that occured to me that raised even more doubts was the fact that the original TCM, while scary and disturbing in its own right, was a very simple story. Not much to expand off of, or at least not in a direction that would not upset fans of the original.

While I had my doubts, I had to see what the filmakers came up with, and much to my surprise they did a darn good job. Hands down, this has to be one of the best horror flicks to come around in a long time...with the exception of THE RING (which might I add shared its creepy kid with MASSACRE). This movie is so much fun to watch. Unlike most horror movies, the characters are dimensional, and the acting is pretty good, not to over or under played.

Although from the start we can pick out who is going to die and who is going to live, this film carries a lot of suspense with it. It is one of the first in a long while where the audience in unison screams.

Now for those who complain that Leatherface has been too much updated and the fact that this movie exposes his face and gives him a skin disease, losen your panties. This remake took some holes that were not filled in the first one (such as why Leatherface is the way he is) and used them to their advantage. The kill/chase scenes are great and you just do not want to close your eyes.

I was ultimately pleasantly surprised, and praise the filmakers for actually producing a remake with character, and not just a cheap scam for money. Truly a thought out and wonderfully put together flick, THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE allowed me to have more fun in a movie than I had had in a long time, and thus rates a 8/10.
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