Red Serpent (2003)
Worst movie I have ever seen!
14 September 2004
I once had such a great urge to be entertained that I fell to the temptation to buy "Supergirl". It's by far the worst movie in my DVD collection. Until yesterday evening it was also the worst movie I've ever seen. Now I've found one orders of magnitudes worse. Or should I say hilarious?

Me and two friends rented this movie, Red Serpent, which first nearly bored us to death with its lousy technical quality, really really bad performing actors, homemade stunts and awful(ly missing) plot. In the second half of the movie, we honestly didn't think it could get any worse, but it just continued going downhill, and we just couldn't help laughing louder and louder. The final scene was the funniest of it all, no thanks to the creators of this awful goo of a movie.

If you're looking for an action movie, shy away from this one. If you like movies a la "Jackass - The Movie", and you're looking for a good laugh, this may be a good candidate.
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