There is a problem with this movie. And it's not the movie itself
8 March 2003
I found the movie spot on. Accurate. Exact.

The problem is, since so many people in the US have ever left their country, and feel they don't have a need to, they will never understand how varied life can be in other places.

Take the town where el Padre Amaro arrives. Too corny? Do you really think people spend too much time gossiping? Sounds like a soap opera on steroids? Well, you have to learn much about this place - especially, the fact that after spending a couple of months each year on a town similar to that where Amaro arrived, I can safely say the movie depicts *exactly* what life is in a town.

As for the Catholic Church, I studied 6 years of my life in an Opus Dei school. There might have been one or two good elements. The rest of them scorned indians or "mestizos", based their friendships on money, treated women like dirt, spoke highly of God while they pocketed all the money they could from everyone, and at least one of them ended up in jail for drug related issues. There is this place called "Torreciudad" in Spain - a place that looks, of all things, like a GT-Hotel. They built it with the money of all the people on the Opus Dei - instead of building hospitals, schools or whatever, they built an incredible summer resort for them to enjoy. Funny thing is, they never got anyone pregnant - it was rumoured a couple of them were homosexuals, though.

What's my point? My point is, "El Crimen del Padre Amaro" might not have been too shocking to me, because I already knew about many of the things that happened in the movie. But just because you think these things don't happen doesn't make it so.
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