"That's-a coffee!!"
1 April 2004
Love's Brother is full of charm, warmth and lots of coffee. Coincidently I was drinking an espresso in the cinema while watching this movie!

I really hope that the nationality of this film (Australian) doe not deter people away from it. I love and support our wonderful industry down here but as a video store manager I am seeing an increasing amount of people who read video covers and say "Oh, but it's Australian".

This movie works as an international movie. It's location is not of too much significance... it could have been set in Canada somewhere and it would not have mattered. Besides, there are no 'Ocker' Aussie accents in this movie anyway.

It's a movie about Brotherly love as well as it's differences. A story about tangled love and mistaken identity. And above all it's a story about Coffee!!.... nah not really... the coffee just provides an excellent means of comic relief, as the locals seem to need it like a car needs petrol.

At the risk of sounding cliche, Do Yourself a Favor and see this movie. It's a beautiful film that should proudly sit beside other classics like: Chocolat, Like Water for Chocolate, and Il Postino. It's likely to only have a limited Theatrical Release so rush out and catch it before it's too late... otherwise wait anxiously for the dvd.

I give it 8 out of 10.
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