Absolutely awful
3 May 2003
Starring Jason Alexander as Captain Kirk, Kirk, Spock, and Mccoy are in present day Los Angeles trying to "solve" a mission. Through their adventures, or rather mis-adventures, we are treated to tired and reused documentary footage of the real Star Trek actors telling their stories of their days in front of the Trek camera. The entire hour long tribute to Trek comes off as a very bad running gag. With a production value equal to that of an after school special, this show is filled with cliche after cliche of Star Trek references that, after the first 5 minutes, are about as amusing as watching paint dry on growing grass. The tribute to Deforest Kelley is especially painful to watch. While the tribute itself is nice, watching the horrible "act-alike, look-alikes" perform a death seen for his character is neither funny or touching, and in very poor taste. Alexander, as Kirk, is very forgettable in a rather forgettable production. Don't waste time on this one, folks, you wont get it back!
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