Brief and enjoyable animation about the impact a child makes
30 July 2004
Roger and Doris are a childless couple who are perhaps a little broody – Roger especially. However when a strange baby arrives at their door (from space?) it brings about a massive change in their lives that they may be unprepared for. As they attempt to continue their life with only the addition of a new family member they find that in reality their whole lives are being changed by the baby who may or may not have more sinister aims.

I happened to tape a film on late night television and, having been burnt by ITV's inability to end a film on time, I added my usual 20 minutes to the running time. When I watched the film, I lingered on the tape and found that I had also taped this amusing animation. The animation style was fun and refreshing in the way that it was hand drawn – refreshing because so many these days are CGI shorts that are made to appeal to the award ceremonies.

Aside from the enjoyably energetic animation the short is also well written as it makes a normal story become extraordinary by way of a simple twist. The arrival of a new baby is like having a strange invader in your home and the short takes it to extremes here in a way that is amusing. It isn't groundbreaking as other films have done the same idea the same way (Rocket By Baby for one) but it is effective none the less and I found it to be well observed at the same time as being imaginative! The humour is good too with nice characters and strange plotting all the way.

Overall this is a simple but enjoyable short film. The animation is a nice change from the current overuse of CGI and the plot is a good comment on the impact a baby can make without ignoring the joy that they can bring as well.

An enjoyable little short that I was glad I had managed to stumble across.
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