Perfect Pie (2002)
This was really good!
3 April 2004
I borrowed this DVD from a friend and I really thought this was a great movie! I thought the acting, writing......everything was really good and found it easy to follow despite the flashbacks throughout the movie. I really could relate to the character Marie/Franchesca in temperament more than anything as I also tend to be a little high strung, sensitive and have that artistic nature within me. Also, it took guts for her character to come back to a place that was hell on earth for her. I could not blame her for leaving in the first place! Also, abuse survivors tend to change their identities at some point so could also understand why Marie changed her name. Patsy was more practical and realistic but that is what makes a best friend who she is: someone who is totally opposite from ourselves and one we can learn from. It sorta reminded me of my long time friend since the 5th grade. Nothing alike or in common except a lifetime of friendship. Great movie and kudos to all involved!
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