Colin Firth in leather pants...
11 August 2003
... it was worth watching just to see that scene!

But enough of my bad-boy Mr Darcy fantasy!

This movie is, perhaps, a little dated in its perception of British lifestyles and the way the rich act, but for all its occasional cringeworthiness in this aspect, I still enjoyed the movie.

It's a feel-good story about a girl discovering the father she has always wanted and a man discovering the daughter he never knew he had - it is not rocket science and it doesn't just appeal to 12 year old girls as one reviewer commented.

It is also based on a play, so probably pre-dates the similarly storylined Princess Diaries, although I can't be sure on that point.

Considering some of the lame-*** movies of this summer, this was a pleasant diversion for a Sunday afternoon at the movies with my Mum, who also enjoyed Colin Firth in leather pants I must admit!

I actually found this movie to be WAY better than Legally Blond: Red, White and Blond, which I thought was a waste of a Saturday afternoon I could have spent re-watching Speed or something!

Go to this movie if you like to come out of a movie feeling good, feeling like you wanna go hug your Dad/Mum and enjoy a great soundtrack!
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