Review of 24

24 (2001–2010)
Seems To Be Going Down The Drain
5 December 2003
Much like the rest of the viewers who watched the amazing first season, the only reason I was drawn in was because of the whole real-time aspect of the show. I was thinking before I began watching it that even if the show did suck itself, at least there'd be some sort of twist. But it was far from being terrible. By the end of the first season in the spring of last year, I was hooked. The finale blew me away and I realized just how great of a show it was. Keifer Sutherland is Jack Bauer, without a doubt. He brought that character off of the pages and made it one we could sympathize with, yet chastise when he did something wrong. And the brilliance behind the show is the fact that it can take any unpredictable turn it wants to, and they can make it work. Even with this third season only a month into it, it's hard to figure out where things are going. They get you going on one problem the presidency and CTU has to face, then they throw a completly shocking new one at you.

However, the show seems to be heading down the predictable path now. I'm not going to be solidifying my feelings on this yet, because it can go anywhere, but with the popularity of it growing, and the producers recieving more money, they seem to be dropping creativity for more action and explosions, which is a sin in my eyes. The first season to me seemed like an excellent movie that was original and well done, but this third season seems to be aiming more at promoting Ford (honestly, there's a Ford in every shot. I know they're providing a lot of money, but it bugs me how the producers try to get one in every shot) and getting more money than making it as gritty and original as the first season.

First Season: A+ (10/10) Second Season: B (8/10) Third Season (So Far): C+ (7/10) They're keeping me interested, but not glued to my television set every Tuesday night.

I only watch two shows every week religiously, and "24" is one of them. If they can't keep it up, I just may only watch one a week.
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