Review of Bâtards

Bâtards (2002)
Yuppie nightmare, viewer's nightmare (spoilers)
6 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Very silly. A wealthy, Parisian couple hit a dog on a motorway then break down. Naturally there is a savage, caravan-dwelling community nearby who double as fake breakdown men. The couple find themselves in a huis clos situation with the extended family. The man, obsessed with getting a signal on his mobile phone, goes for a climb in the hills, leaving his girlfriend alone. She of course takes a shower in view of everyone and then gets raped to some drum and bass; well, it would be rape if she clearly didn't enjoy it so much. I really hope this wasn't trying to be a satire, but looking at the tagline I am afraid it was. The moral is don't drive a flash car, don't drive on mysterious motorways with no other traffic whatsoever, choose a mobile phone provider with good rural coverage...... you choose. This felt much longer than it was.
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