Review of Stranded

Stranded (2001)
9 January 2004
Actually, it's not that bad although Johnny Ramone is not an actor. Cue cards, Johnny?

And if you're looking for juvenile laser beams, Giger-like aliens and space shootouts, you'd be advised to look somewhere else, 'cause it ain't here.

I guess this rules out the Obi-Wan Kenobi crowd, huh?

Space crew crash lands on Mars instead of properly landing like they should have. They only have supplies for two people and three of them will have to go outside and die so the other two (Vincent Gallo & Maria de Medeiros) can live. Gallo, because he knows how to run the systems on board the ship, and de Medeiros because she's a medical doctor, leaving the others in the lurch as 'expendable'.

Pathetic move since the Gallo character is the most rancid one of the bunch and he's the one that deserves to die the most.

The inside of the shuttle looks NASA authentic enough and the outdoor shots in the Canary Islands (using an orange filter) could pass for Mars, but the cgi looks cheap, done by second year computer graphics students.

I hope Spain produces more sci-fi since we don't see very much of this genre coming from that part of the world. Too bad this film won't be the best example of that.

Below average.

4 out of 10
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