Crime & Punishment (2002–2004)
Great show!
19 June 2004
This is a great twist on the endless L&O franchise! Real cases, real criminals, real attorneys, some really stupid people! You get to see real cases as they transpire, and for once a TV show educates and entertains!

My girlfriend and I got addicted to this show last season, when we saw an episode focusing on a criminal named Ron Barker, who was a total idiot but clearly thought he was a modern day Moriarty. This guy was his own lawyer, and managed to spend the whole trial saying one dumb thing after another, each dumber than the next.

Tonight's episode (6/19/04) TOPPED that one, featuring a defense attorney so intellectually limited that we could hardly believe this guy can remember which shoes go on which feet, let alone a law degree!

But its not all fun and games. The show is illuminating and entertaining. Lets hope NBC keeps it going forever, just like the other L&O shows...
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