Great series. Sex and the City for men?
25 November 2001
The Mind of the Married Man is yet another great HBO series. Where Sex and the City has a definite female point of view and focus, Married Man plays with mans struggle to keep his inner "caveman" in check and remain happily married. As a married man I find the characters completely believable. In fact I see a lot more truth in the show than I care to admit. Married Man does seem to owe something to its predecessor "Dream On" but its different enough that the similarities didn't even occur to me until someone else pointed them out. My only criticism would be the transparent child of the Married Man who magically appears every breakfast scene only to disappear for the remainder of every episode with no effect on the lives of the two main characters.

Bottom line is that Married Man is funny, revealing, and heads above any sit-com on network TV. Married guys will love this series!
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