My almost four-year-old grandson loved it!
10 September 2004
Here are my hastily-prepared excuses:

I promised my daughter I'd baby-sit for her son from 11 AM to 4 PM. It was cool and overcast and rain was predicted. I didn't want to go to a park... and after lunch, when I mentioned "Superbabies," the deal was struck!

Background: My grandson fell in love with superheroes this year, and he has been alternately garbed as Spiderman and Superman, as well as a pirate complete with eye patch and skull-and-crossbones hat. His favorite possession is his plastic sword! Yesterday, going to the movie, he asked me if I could get him a parrot to sit on his shoulder!

He loved the movie and gave it two "thumbs up" (both his)! So, if you have an almost four-year-old, it might work for you. Otherwise, forget it. I paid $10.50 for both of us (one senior and one child) and slept through this movie.
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