Rob Vam Dam is in it!
16 April 2003
Not really sure if I like this one or not, so I gave it 5/10.

There were some well choreographed fight scenes and some nice CG environments involved, but on the other hand there were some really poorly strung together stunts (where you could actually still see the safety lines attached to the actors) and some quite appalling CG work on some of the monster shots. The sometimes bad incorporation of some half hearted GC work really put the film down when they could have spent a little more time tidying up the film. One thing to mention as you've probably heard is that RVD is in this film, which is pretty cool, although he doesn't say an awful lot he seems to act better than expected. Shame they gave him such a stupid name really (The Claw) - isn't that what Jim Carrey was in Liar, Liar? You may also spot Tyler Mane (of X-Men fame) in there too. Andy On, does a fairly good job of taking over from Jet Li, but it's always hard trying to carry a sequel on your own, let alone carry on a sequel whilst replacing someone with a lot of Hollywood exposure. There was some pretty crappy acting in some parts, mostly from extras trying to react to what was on screen, but most of the main actors did ok (including all wrestlers). Overall, I'd say if you are expecting Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, go someplace else, if you want an entertaining light hearted attempt at the Super Hero genre (Green Hornett) then sure rent this out and have a laugh.
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