The Forsyte Saga (2002–2003)
Gorgeous, haunting miniseries
23 April 2003
I first saw this miniseries when my friend loaned it to me on her taped VHS collection. She stressed emphatically how fabulous it was. One day, I borrowed it from her, skeptical...that soon changed! I loved it!

The cast is phenomenal, all are top-notch thespians with great range and a wonderful display of the human condition. Ones that particularly stand out are Damian Lewis and Rupert Graves. Lewis' haunting, affecting performance as the wealthy Forsyte and his suffocating passions was truly mindblowing and brilliant. Lewis is a very accomplished actor. Graves displays a subtle yet great performance as Young Jolyon. He's also pretty easy on the eyes. ;)

And one performer whom I REALLY adored, was Ioan Gruffudd, who is extremely, extremely talented. It's a pity his character had such a small space to play around in, so to speak, because he really would've shined. He's a lovely, lovely tragic actor. :)

I had a few qualms of Gina McKee when I watched this miniseries, for I HAVE read the book, and I do know about the characters as Galsworthy meant for them. I do not think McKee is aesthetically suited for the role, as I pictured Irene to be somewhat younger and more youthful. McKee is very good, however, and she really shines in Irene's class and aloof, enigmatic presence.

The miniseries is sumptuously filmed, with accuracy and a haunting score. The writing is magnificent, a great adaptation from the book. Watch it! I can't wait for the miniseries.
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