Fans of CGI and Martial Arts will enjoy this movie
8 May 2002
I saw The Avenging Fist after watching Stormriders at a friend's house. I was grossly disappointed in Stormriders just because of the fact that there is no actual fighting. I was expecting the same thing from Avenging Fist, meaning just pretty CGI and a couple fireball here and there. I was actually very surprised that the movie wasnt that bad. What I really liked in the movie were how the fight scenes were mixed with wires and CGI, how sparks would fly off of the fighters' limbs as they strike each other, how the villain used telekinesis very much like in Dark City's final scene, and its main characters looked like Hwoarang and Jin from Tekken. However, the story was very corny, the whole scenery reminded me of the 5th Element, and the actors for the main characters were complete turds (I.E despite the attempted style of Tekken characters they looked like a couple of a-holes you could careless about). All in all it's not a bad movie at all, but it definely could be way better. With every movie Andrew Lau does, I'm sure he learns what people like and don't like. Me personally, I'd rather see good ol' Wire-Fu.
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