Review of Ed

Ed (2000–2004)
Hysterical Lucidity
27 February 2003
This past episode CAPTAIN LUCIDITY, where Ed gets control of his dreams through 'lucid dreaming' - was absolute genius comedy. I was deep in hysterics. A nice change of pace from the usual guy/girl friction.

Through a 'controlled' dream-state, Ed (along with all the other lovable clowns on this under-appreciated show) navigates his romantic concerns and desires for Frankie, and usual heart-beacon Carol Vessey. Nice concept, eh? Well, the writers hardly settled for the concept alone. They ran with it Gump style!! Absolute brilliant use of the entire cast's character traits (though some 'Cheswick' moments were sadly ignored). I'd swear 'Ed Stevens' wrote the episode. What higher compliment can you pay to the writers? That was one impressive hour of entertainment, folks. Absolute comic brilliance. And to boot - a fine dramatic closing. When you're laughing along with a tear-jerker moment - you know you've been won over.

I'll bet ya 10 bucks you can't top that episode...
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