29 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
"This review may contain a spoiler"

The plot is simple. 2 war prisoners, one Japanese the other a Chinese translator, are dumped in the hand of a small village and asked to keep them alive until they would be collected in 5 days time, however the 5 days have passed and no one come to collect those 2 prisoners.So what do we do with those 2 ?

Through this simple story the director,producer,writer and actor Wen Jiang manage to show the 2 societies and their different attitude towards things and manage to raise some question of good and bad,collaboration in war time.What is a collaborator? How do you survive a difficult situation, what price are you willing to pay and many more. The film is shot in black and white as a symbol to the fact that we tend to see the world in black and white.the acting is superb and I have only praises for the film. The film criticise also the Chinese government after the war and say though not in so many words that they were no better than the occupation.

The film is a bit too long and as a western I probably lost some of the nuances but nevertheless it is still a good and powerful film,not to be missed.
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