Dumb, but light-hearted dumb
2 September 2004
OK, by the title screen of any of these thrown-together-DVDs for horror, you should know that the movie is gonna be crap. This movie was entirely. Buster Poindexter (I can't even think of the guy's name, because that's all he ever plays is that "character") plays a ranger in the woods (who wears a boy scout leader uniform) who helps pass the time in a creepy fashion along with 2 guys and a girl who both have very poor maintenance of their cars. They stick around for his stories (why? I dunno...at the end it kinda reveals why, though) starring horribly contrived characters and too many twists for your head to remember.

I enjoyed seeing the Misfits play at the end, even though the camera was flying about all the time so you couldn't quite get a grasp on them being there. And the movie altogether was light-hearted, making some of the longer sequences with nothing but music in the back of these montages of killing or whatever a little bit watchable. Overall though, the movie is trying to show you that there was a comic book put out called Campfire Stories and here is the movie based on these stories. The ranger was annoying, the actors are all annoying and not convincing, and you wanna smack the director in the head for telling the camera to go closer towards the wall in many shots (in the 1st story). All in all, watch it if somebody owns it and you don't have to pay money to rent it.
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