Makes From Justin to Kelly look like Shakespeare
19 April 2004
This is the worst english language movie I've ever seen ("Zombie Doom", a German "film" is worse). Considering I've seen pretty much everything that's won a raspberry award, that's saying something.

I was expecting something bad after realizing I'd been ripped off and had spent 5 bucks on "Campfire Stories" rather than "Campfire Tales" (a good anthology horror film). But I was expecting something that was low-budget but had production values of at least ten dollars along the lines of tales from the hood or the dozen other direct to video titles in the genre (which I enjoyed). I figured well it has some b/c-list actors so maybe it will be OK (it wasn't like the cast is all unknowns). I'd say it's fair to say Jamie-Lynn Singler's film career has jumped the shark after watching this "film".

First off, it's shot on video. It looks like something that would air on public access TV. The direction is utterly awful, the editing is worse. The script is generic, cliched, disjointed and just plain bad, like Plan 9 from Outer Space bad. Most of the acting is abominable (which is probably mostly the director's fault in all honesty). The worst thing of all is the "cinematography". Awful. It's like they gave a drunk 10 year old a camera.

I enjoy bad movies, and I thought this movie was barely watchable, despite being unintentionally hilarious. It's just so bad. This movie is quite possibly the Plan 9 from Outer Space of the 21st century. If you like really really bad movies or are a masochist, it might be worth a rent, other than that - avoid like the plague.

Terrible. Not Recommended at all.
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