Is it Mr. or Dr. Dolittle. This movie kinda forgot.
27 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers

I loved the first movie. It's one of my favourite movies. So when I heard about the sequel I couldn't wait for the DVD. I shoulda waited even longer. There is so many things wrong with this movie that I'm amazed anyone would say this is better than the first. Only one thing saved this movie from total destruction. And that's the character of Charisse. Who we learn is beginning to have this thing called Dr. Dolittle's talent. It saved it from being a total waste of time. I'll probably go buy it now. (Thank God for online rentals!!) Some of the humor I liked of course, but.....

The bad is really bad. First..continuity. Okay.. Dr. Dolittle has ended and number 2 starts. Did I miss something here? They don't explain what happened to Rodney (the Guinea Pig) or how bout the baby Gator. Hmmm perhaps the Gator ate Rodney and they deemed it not to the liking of family entertainment. Two... they shift the focus off the fact that Dolittle is a doctor. There's a time for an environmental movie and there's not a time for it. This wasn't the time. Imagine ER suddenly became a tv show about what George Clooney does in his spare time. Eddie shoulda been doing what he does best. Doctoring. At least have it so the bear needed physical help, instead of the instructional video on bear mating.

Finally.. at the end of the first movie we are left knowing that it doesn't take riches to get places in one's life. Great moral feeling here. The bad guys were rich. So guess what... The second movie Dr. Dolittle is now a rather rich doctor. Lives in a mansion with a push button gate.

This movie doesn't even try to be a family movie. It's doesn't try anything. It takes the old lets do an environmental movie to save face trick.

PS: We really needed to rely on the fact that Charisse has bigger (ahem) than Britney Spears. Which reminds me. they cared more about bringing the old actors in for continuity. But I think they forgot this movie is about animals first and foremost and totally forgot about the first movie. If the first movie didn't exist maybe I'd like this more, but it does and so I really don't like this movie all that much

4/10 Quality: 5/10 Entertainment: 4/10 Replayable: 5/10
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