A great flick that no one gave the chance.
29 December 2003
I rented this one pretty much as a joke, just to say I finally saw it, turned out I thought the movie kicked ass! I didn't realize that both Parker Posey & Alan Cumming were in the movie, nor did I realize that an upcoming Missy Pyle was so fricken funny! The biggest thing that probably killed this movie was the MTV tie-ins, this movie was so pimped on MTV, and I couldn't help but think all I was going to see is some 90 minutes of MTV marketing hype.

I was semi-right, but in a really cool way! Instead it's a movie that's actually anti-marketing, in both music and movies. The basic plot line is how a music producer lays in subliminal tracks on little pop groups for their easily manipulated fans to go out and buy everything they're told too. Then we get the never tiring jokes of all the product placements through out the whole movie, everything from Dawn soap in an airplane to McDonalds in a shower scene. You'd think with so much product placement the studio made all its money back just with that. Actually, it turns out that they felt that taking money for the products was hypocritical to the plot and took nothing at all.

I really do recommend the movie, the cast is brilliant their rolls, did I mention yet that Seth Green plays a member of a boy band? As a final note; I do recommend taking a look at the music video extras on the DVD, Du Jour kicks butt!
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