Attack of the Bat Monsters
16 November 2003
Kelly Green's first feature is a thinly-disguised account of the making of a Roger Corman three-day quicky back in the 50s. Fans of the life and legend of Corman, and of Z-movies in general, will not only have a rollicking time - they'll probably have heard some of the tales that went into the making of this appropriately low-budget answer to Tim Burton's Ed Wood. Those who aren't fans will simply enjoy the ingenuity and wit of this tribute to a style of filmmaking that produced classics like The Day the World Ended and Attack of the Crab Monsters, the REAL quicky about telepathic man-eating giant crabs whose title is lovingly evoked here. Funniest single gag: the one about the B-girls and the duct tape. Funniest running gag: a prior opus, The Snake Woman, produced by the same company, the very mention of which makes everyone in the picture turn white with fear and shame - something really horrible must have happened on that one. If there's any justice in the world, someone will give Greene the money to film a prequel about the making of The Snake Woman so we can find out just what it was. Anyone have 18 bucks?
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