The Invisible Man (2000–2002)
Straight from an I-Maniac's mouth
3 November 2001
As part of the I-Maniacs and a member of both the official and one unofficial bboards, I can't go by without commenting on HOW GREAT THIS SHOW IS! This show has interesting storylines, an (as far as I know . . . or care) unprecedented premise, and great character interaction. That has to be one of my favourite parts. The banter between Darien and Bobby makes it seem almost real. You get the feeling that these are real people and not wooden actors reciting what they memorized on a piece of paper. Oh, and SCREW YOU, SCI-FI CHANNEL! See, they didn't renew it for a third season which makes NO FRELLING SENSE WHATSOEVER! With a huge fanbase and great ratings, it was their number 2 show. If any network that might even be slightly game is out there, just know that this wonderful show is looking for a home. Over 600 willing fans will follow this show to the ends of the earth. I'm sure we'll check out some of your other shows, too. Okay. The end.

--Her Majesty Queen Tragos of the Goats, all powerful queen who could have you executed at her slightest whim. Do not anger the goat queen for she will order her loyal goat minions to throw you into the Pit of Doom which holds one, slightly angry, female chupacabra and one recently added Greek chef.
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