Marilyn was more beautiful in this film than in any other!
17 June 2001
I watched the documentary on AMC that aired on her 75th birthday, 6-01-2001.

I was disappointed in the fact that the documentary said that in 1999, AMC, 20th Century Fox and the Estate of Marilyn Monroe had started and completed restoration of 9 hours of film from Something's Got to Give. I believe this but find it hard to believe that they only could get 37 minutes out of 9 hours of film! There is more film footage available as in 1991 there was a documentary on this film that showed at least 10 minutes of film where Marilyn in her Greta Garbo accent was showing Dean Martin and Cyd Charisse around the house. Marilyn was absolutely hilarious. There is a lot of material that was left out on this attempt to make a picture out of what was left of the original film. Personally, I think someone concerned with this effort really didn't want to let people see Marilyn look so good when all they did was talk so bad about her while the filming was in progress. Just my point of view. Someday, I hope they will somehow finish this film with computerization. If filmmakers finished Jean Harlow's last film in the 1930's after her death with a stand in, I'm sure that someone could finish "Something's Got to Give" today, especially with all the film that has been restored and also with the technology that is available to film makers today. I hope that whomever or whatever is holding this back will have a change of heart and release a complete 2 hour film. After all, 9 hours of film is a lot to restore if you are not going to show it!
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