Groove (2000)
The Little Independent That Thumped
2 February 2001
The first thing you need to know before seeing "Groove" is this: just as watching "Lawrence of Arabia" in a pan-and-scan format on a 19" television won't cut it, watching "Groove" on a system that does not have at least a decent set of speakers/subwoofers is not only a crime, it's pointless.

Maybe the movie would still harbor some form of engaging charm if viewed on the aforementioned 19-incher. But I wouldn't know, and I seriously doubt it.

The movie's tagline is "Are you feeling it" for a reason. The makers of "Groove" had the sound design mastered by Skywalker Sound (the gods of system-threatening bass) for a reason. And this movie is one of my all-time favorites for a reason.

Who cares whether or not "Groove" accurately portrays the rave scene. Watch it on a sound system that earns the right to play it, and you will be so buzzed by the end you'll be wishing you had been at the rave depicted in this movie, real or not.

Director Greg Harrison says on the DVD commentary that he told the pros at Skywalker Sound "this movie has to thump". In response, Skywalker mixed the roar of an actual jet engine into the music.

You're damn right I'm feeling it.
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