Review of Lakeboat

Lakeboat (2000)
And the ship rolls back and forth and back and forth and...
17 April 2003
Okay. Up front I dislike David Mamet's work. It is pretentious, unrealistic, inane and larded with too much profanity. It's always easier to use the "F word" than be creative or clever. A creative crutch? I watched this movie because I have lived most of my life on the Great Lakes and love the lore of the lakers. But what is the point of this movie? Even the dullest, dumbest, densest seafarers must have far better conversations than these. And thats all the movie is, a series of unlikely, unrealistic, uninspiring conversations. (Oh, what's that? It was supposed to be a comedy, you say? Thanks. I never would have known if you hadn't told me. Well, the hooker actually was pretty funny but I thought that was just lousy casting.) Great Lakes Shipping could be a very rich source of drama or even comedy. There are some great stories out there. This is not one of them.
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